11 August 2012

Life is unfair . . .

. . . and God is inept.

At least, that is certainly how life looks to me, often.  

That is a statement that could fall into many categories.  

I started this several days ago, but don't know exactly where i had planned to take this post.

I've been reading a number of blogs recently which deal with doubt in the Christian faith.  Most are struggling with doubt themselves, or are open to doubt (as opposed to condemning it as "sin").  Jason Boyett even reported that some people are coming to think that doubt is "trendy."  Say what?  "Trendy" is the type of shoes you wear or the TV program you watch.  Doubt is definitely not so fun.  

Three thoughts from his post with which i agree (tho i think these are from somewhere else):

Never trust anyone who hasn't wrestled with doubt. Why? Because Jesus is an equal-opportunity offender, and if his words don't cause you to ask hard questions, you're not hearing them right. Totally agree.

Doubt is not the opposite of faith. Citing Os Guinness, Ray says doubt shouldn't be confused with unbelief, which springs from the will, but instead is something that springs from honesty or confusion. Bingo.

The object of faith is a Person, not a proposition. Am I doubting my understanding of God, or am I doubting God himself?

From one of the other blogs i read i found:  Outside The Box.  I've only just begun to explore this blog, but what i've read so far is mind blowing.  It will take time to read and digest. 


About Me

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Wife, wanted to be a mama - not going to happen, massage therapist, child of God. I can be emailed at: 4Kat2009@gmail.com