11 August 2013

Strange Thoughts

We went to church this morning.  We don't go all that often any more.  We were there last week and i guess Duane promised to be there this week because after the service he was going to help Tim (the pastor) with something in planning for next week.  

Tim wasn't there.

Margaret was, however.  I enjoy her services.  At the end she had us close our eyes and imagine Jesus in front of us, arms outstretched and eyes full of love.  We were to walk to him and put our cares and worries in his hands, and then see those cares and worries disappear.


Except when i got to Jesus i found him to be a cardboard cut out.  

Can you tell i struggle to find Jesus real in my life?


About Me

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Wife, wanted to be a mama - not going to happen, massage therapist, child of God. I can be emailed at: 4Kat2009@gmail.com