22 December 2013

Duck Dynasty?

It seems everyone has an opinion about this, recently.

Synopsis:  Duck Dynasty is a TV program on A&E about a family that lives rather backwoods and has made a lot of money from creating a duck call thing which has sold well.  The family hunting and business is much of the focus as well as how the women manage things.  The family also is Christian and before every meal a prayer is said.  It seems to be a rather popular show.

(Duane likes the program and has watched a few while i read.  I've not actually watched an entire program, but have heard it as i focus on something else.)

There have been calls from some people to make the family stop the prayer on the program, or at least edit that out.

Recently, the father Phil, was interviewed by a magazine and he made statements about homosexuality that were not complementary.  (For the record, my understanding of what was said was simply his opinion and being confused about how a man can be attracted to another man.  That is a confusion many heterosexuals would share, i think.)

So there has been a big ruckus about this.  People who don't see homosexuality as a problem are calling for Phil to be censored.  People who do see this as a problem are calling for "support Phil."  A&E has decided that Phil won't be allowed on the program any more.  As this is a program about his family, it is doubtful the program will continue.  

Here is the thing:  This country has freedom of speech.  Or it did.  There are many things that cannot be said.  You cannot protest a president where he can see you anymore.  Protesters have to be in a "free speech zone" some miles away.  You cannot shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater if there is not fire.  You cannot make jokes about bombs in an airport.  

But overall, we live in a land that largely allows you to share your opinion.  If you don't like the opinion that is stated, you have the freedom to disagree, rebut, or to boycott a TV show or business that presents opinion with which you disagree.  

I support all those things.  I support the people who want to support Phil, who want to boycott A&E, who want to express their belief he has the right to say those things and believe those things.  I ALSO support the people who disagree with Phil.  I support their right to boycott the show (tho i seriously doubt most of them watched it).  

I hear a lot from Christians these days wanting to return our nation to being a "Christian country."  Frankly i doubt that our country ever was that, but nevertheless there is much call for it.  The truth is that our Founding Fathers gave us freedom of religion.  Whether by design or by accident that means freedom for all religions, even pagan, Muslim, Wiccan, or atheist.  

This means that all such people have the right to share their beliefs/opinions, and other people have the right to disagree, rebut, or boycott.  I am concerned that there is a tendency (or it seems to be) to be biased against Christian speech these days.  None the less, free speech is free speech, no matter the opinion and freedom of religion is freedom no matter what the style.

Christians have become so militant these days.  I really don't understand.  There is so much anger in what they fight about.  And it often seems so petty to me.  

Regardless of your belief in Jesus - whether you believe he was the Christ sent by God, or a naive dreamer wandering - one thing he preached is LOVE.  To love our fellow-man.  To do good to those who would hurt me.  To help the poor, the sick, the needy, the orphan and the fatherless.  

So much of what i see Christians posting these days seems to be grounded in hate.  Hate of gays, hate of Muslims, hate of the way Christians are treated.  I really don't understand this.

Jesus said we would be known as his followers by our love.  He also said that the world would hate us.  So, folks, where is the confusion?  Why are people surprised and baffled by the the response of the world?

(BTW, i know quite well that i am severely lacking in the love Jesus promised.  I pray for it, and i strive to love, but i know that even if i don't speak it i am often critical of others and do not possess the love i should as a follower of Jesus.)



About Me

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Wife, wanted to be a mama - not going to happen, massage therapist, child of God. I can be emailed at: 4Kat2009@gmail.com