08 July 2010

Quiet rambling

Yesterday Eva & i attended a Bible study at a local church that has a big youth group.  They served pizza, salad, & cake for dinner before the service.  

I'm not very impressed with this church.  I'm acquainted with one lady who attends there & she loves it & is very passionate about it.  But i didn't find it the "friendly family" she describes.  (Of course, two visits are not really enough to judge that.)  The kids did take Eva into their group, eventually.  Because she's so quiet, i have no idea if it was a good thing or a bad thing.  She simply says "It was okay."

A couple of the churches Duane & i have visited have essentially left strangers strictly alone.  This one is friendly during the greeting time (a couple of churches we attended weren't friendly even then), but largely this church seemed to be rather closed.  I started to use the word "insular" until i looked up the meaning (thinking it meant "closed" or "reserved" or maybe even a bit "unfriendly").  But part of the meaning is "bigoted," "narrow," or "petty."  I don't mean that.  

Duane didn't like this church from the get go.  I'm not quite sure why, because it doesn't seem to me to be all that different from several others we've attended.  

But i will say, tho i'm going to sound very critical, i'm finding some of these churches don't seem to be much more than Christian clubs.  These folks seem to be very glad to be there with the people they know & love & enjoy the time together & they do study the Word of God.  However, because they are so comfortable with their setting, they do seem to be rather closed to new folk.  

Now, i'm sure that if we began to attend there regularly these folks would open that circle, we'd be included & they'd be happy to use whatever we bring to the table.  But then we'd be part of that inner, closed circle.  Somehow, that's just not where i want to be & part of me thinks that it isn't enough.  I don't want to be part of some "Christian club" where my life revolves around the church & my church friends & little else.  To me being a Christian is much more than that.  Again, it will sound like i'm criticizing these folks.  That really is not my intent.  I don't know them well enough.  They do seem to be passionate about God.  They are having a tent revival next week.  (That alone makes me nervous, personally.  Revivals have not been a positive thing in my life.)
I feel like i'm stumbling around trying to find words for a feeling i can't quite explain.  

I guess it seems to me that being a Christian is more than going to Cheers where "everybody knows your name."  I don't know how else to say it.  On the other hand, that is a basic, human need.  

In his talk yesterday, the Bible study leader touched on Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus . . . "  Again, my heart aches for G, who i believe doesn't understand this.  It seems to me that G chooses to live in pain & sorrow when he can't embrace this.  I wonder if i'm just being stubborn.  I wonder if it is something wrong with me that i can't walk away from that church.  I wonder if the pain i feel when thinking about them is something broken in me, or simply me being broken for them.  (In other words, am i being dysfunctional & stubborn in regard to them, or am i honestly, sincerely concerned for them?)  I don't have an answer to that for i don't know.  Part of me wants to keep banging my head against that wall, trying to break thru.  
However, from all that i've learned of Lutheran (Missouri Synod) doctrine since leaving that church, the over-use of shame & guilt (& lack of understanding that there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus) seems to be a hallmark of many of the churches belonging to this particular branch.  It also seems to be that those who are attempting to break away from that pattern are being accused of being "soft on sin" & unscriptural.  

We have had no word from that church now, 1 month later.  It seems Duane is right & they are not going to answer our questions.
I'm finding that i'm really pulling away from wanting to join another church, or even attend one regularly.  I'm much more into the "church hopping" than before.  I don't even want to be at the same place more than once or twice a month.  The idea of joining another church is unthinkable, at this time. 
This is completely off topic.
Anyone who has been reading my blogs for any length of time knows that it has been my deep, deep desire to be a mama.  From the time i was a small child myself i wanted to be a mama.  It seems to be part of the very core of who i am.  I began caring for other folks' children when i was 12, & was a nanny for a while when i was a teen.  I desperately wanted my "nanny baby" to be my own.  I loved that child with all my heart, & wanted children of my own as well.
It seems to me to be a cruel thing that this isn't going to happen for us.  I could go off on that theme for a long time.  It also seems very cruel to me that my sister Larkin, who didn't even like children when we were younger, was blessed with six children.  Everyone talks about how she loves babies so much & "can't get enough of them."  I.can.not.even.begin.to.use.words.that.describe.the.depths.of.pain.this.is.for.me.  It is almost as if she has robbed me of my own personality.  (Yes, i know this is sick & selfish.  Part of it goes back to childhood issues i've addressed elsewhere.  I can only say that the way i was raised, if someone one in our family had a talent or emotion, only ONE person was allowed to have it.  Too difficult to try to explain more without many more paragraphs.)  

I didn't mean to digress here.  I guess the issue is more of my awareness right now with Eva here, tho i've felt that way before in conversation with Elsa.  

But my point is something different.  

It often has been that i see a child on a blog or when i'm out shopping, & i think, "Kaylee would be that age."  Or, "That girl is about six months younger/older than Kaylee would be."  

But recently, this has changed a little.  I occasionally see disabled children with their parents, & think, "That could be my child."

Now, please, please know that i'm not being critical of handicapped folks.  I know that we would have loved our daughter however she was presented to us.  I'm not in any way saying that disabled children are less lovable or anything of the sort.  My point, however, is that i know that at my current functioning, i'd struggle to care for a child with "normal" energy/functioning/skills.  To have a special needs child would completely overwhelm us & i don't know how we would manage it.  

I "KNOW" all these things.  But it doesn't, not in any way, not for one moment, "fix" the desire for a child which is that deep, deep part of me, my personality, my life.  This seems to be a dissonance, a conflict, which is unresolvable.


Jessica Renshaw said...


Even when you say you don't know how to say something, I can feel what you are feeling. I appreciate so much your sharing these difficult and painful things with us.

I love the restfulness of the new look of your page.

Kathryn said...

Thank you Jessica. :)

Amrita said...

My dear Kathryn, pray you find a good loving fellowship. No church is perfect, we are all made of clay. Many times I get frustrated with my church, but I stick on as I am committed to it.

God bless you.

Kathryn said...

Dear Amrita, thank you for your prayers. I know we are all flawed & that no church is perfect. We tried to stick with our church for a long time, we were committed, too! But we have recently learned that the doctrine is something we simply can't support. So we are adrift, at least for a while.


About Me

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Wife, wanted to be a mama - not going to happen, massage therapist, child of God. I can be emailed at: 4Kat2009@gmail.com