13 March 2010

Everyday life

I think the fact that i've been depressed shows the past couple of months in blogging.  I did far fewer posts at my regular blog than what is normal for me.  

I got to visit a while with my dear friend Linda on Wednesday.  We talked of spiritual things mostly, although we touched on some other issues too.  She gave voice to hoping that Duane & i could find a "Spiritual Home" here on the mountain.  It is interesting to me that when i tell folks of the struggles i'm having at the Lutheran church, their reaction quite often is, "Why do you go there?"

Why?  Well, it was our spiritual home.  We love the people there.  We love the friendliness of the people & the love they have for one another.  We love that they are serious about trying to support those in our midst who need help.  Also the pastor LOVES Jesus; he is passionate about it.  In light of all this, my feeble struggles with the sermons & opinions given by the pastor seem too pale to carry weight.  Except i continue to struggle.  I was telling myself that this struggle was "stretching" me & helping me grow.  But i'm afraid that this is no longer true.  This stretching me is bring me near breaking point.  

But i don't think we will find a church in BB where we will be comfortable attending every week.  First off, "home" for us is always going to be liturgical.  There are only 4 (full) liturgical churches up here.  Two Lutheran, an Episcopal, & the Catholic church.  A few others use the creeds or other forms from the liturgy, but they don't fit the category i consider liturgical.  The Episcopal church we simply can't go with, for reasons i'd rather not discuss.  But this was hard, for i've been Episcopalian/Anglican since college.

I'm done.  It's been a long day & this was interrupted & i'm done. 


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About Me

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Wife, wanted to be a mama - not going to happen, massage therapist, child of God. I can be emailed at: 4Kat2009@gmail.com